Become A Sponsor
The Canadian Safety Train Express is a not-for-profit program that provides education on railway safety. The Safety Train staff coordinate with schools, community groups, and other stakeholders throughout Saskatchewan to bring various groups to the Safety Train, where they get a hands-on opportunity to ride and explore a train designed for rail safety education.
The Canadian Safety Train Express addresses multiple rail safety components. It will focus on high incident and trespassing areas throughout the province while also introducing a key education component, the LocoSimâ„¢. This tool is a multi-functional virtual simulator that creates a multitude of real-life scenarios using detailed models of train and track dynamics.
Other technologies are under development to enhance and improve the education experience. To make these technologies a reality, we are looking for sponsorship.
When you become a sponsor of the Canadian Safety Train Express, your business name and/or logo will be prominently displayed in advertisements including:
- Inclusion in all press releases*
- Inclusion on website
- Inclusion and promotion on social media
- Inclusion in the Canadian Safety Train Express activity books
- Featured advertising on Safety Train**
- Business name featured on a plaque, visible to all patrons
* Press Releases will be sent to sponsors for approval before release.
** All sponsorship advertisements will be sent to sponsor for approval before print.
Our Sponsors
The Canadian Safety Train Express program gratefully acknowledges the following for their support as this program would not be possible without it: